Trusted by Global IT, Comms & SAAS – Codex Website

Trusted by Global IT, Comms & SAAS

A full range of IT-specific translation services to effectively deliver your brand

Specialists in translation for IT, Comms & SAAS

Technology isn’t difficult when you speak the language. We ensure your brand is understood around the world by clearly and concisely applying the rules, requirements and customs of each market.

Case Studies

See what we have done for others in your industry.

Special requirements

Codex works with many leading brands to allow their technology to function globally. Working with our specialist localisation engineers, we can identify the services and knowledge required to get them up and running.

Whether you need translation, transcreation, proofreading, or support in any other area, we are ready to meet your unique blend of requirements.

Making your software, web content, technical and training documentation, and apps function globally.

Do you have a specific requirement? Please call your nearest office.


21 Cellini Street
London, SW8 2FQ, UK


Tel: +44 207 647 9555


Tel: +34 93 2204144


Tel: +39 800 597 030

Codex Global Services for IT, Comms & SAAS

We offer a range of complimentary services designed to support the specific needs of the IT, comms and SAAS industries.